I was always feeling as though I was too busy, not focusing my energy. On days I meant to get a lot done, I found myself bouncing from thing to thing. Or some days, I just felt all the feels- but working on details was not going to happen. Well- I figured out the issue, and now I want to share it with you- it's the Moon! Join me to learn how to get your energy to work for you.
This free webinar is the only one you need to get yourself in sync - understanding the Moon and how to harness that energy. You'll thank me later! This is a real game changer!
You will have an understanding of the phases and elements and why it matters- plus you will get some tips so you aren't working against this energy.
Look at your own flow- understand what is working for you and what you can do to change it. You don't have to keep running out of steam.
Sign up to get a link to the Live Q & A Class on Feb. 20th at 1pm - and get the workbook to help you get started.